L9R 0G2 is a postal code/postcode located in Alliston, Ontario, you can see all the information about the postal code, including all the covered streets, cities, longitude and latitude, etc, as well as other postal codes/postcodes located in Alliston.

Postal code/Postcode L9R 0G2
City Alliston
Province Ontario(ON)
Latitude 44.1556
Longitude -79.8577
Area Code 705
Population 25,949(approximately)
Dwellings 9,929(approximately)
Elevation 0 meters
Census Metropolitan Area Toronto
Census Subdivision New Tecumseth
Federal Electoral District Simcoe--Grey
Economic Region Kitchener--Waterloo--Barrie
Population Centre Alliston
Covered streets
Street Postal code City Province
79 Evans Rd L9R 0G2 Alliston Ontario(ON)
180 Church St N L9R 0G2 Alliston Ontario(ON)