B9A 3R9 is a postal code/postcode located in Askilton, Nova Scotia, you can see all the information about the postal code, including all the covered streets, cities, longitude and latitude, etc, as well as other postal codes/postcodes located in Askilton.

Postal code/Postcode B9A 3R9
City Askilton
Province Nova Scotia(NS)
Latitude 45.6845
Longitude -61.3208
Area Code 902
Population 4,492(approximately)
Dwellings 2,178(approximately)
Elevation 61 meters
Census Subdivision Inverness, Subd. C
Federal Electoral District Cape Breton--Canso
Economic Region Cape Breton
Covered streets
Street Postal code City Province
1427 Long Stretch Rd B9A 3R9 Askilton Nova Scotia(NS)