A0E 0A6 is a postal code/postcode located in Marystown, Newfoundland and Labrador, you can see all the information about the postal code, including all the covered streets, cities, longitude and latitude, etc, as well as other postal codes/postcodes located in Marystown.

Postal code/Postcode A0E 0A6
City Marystown
Province Newfoundland and Labrador(NL)
Latitude 47.1637
Longitude -55.157
Area Code 709
Population 22,294(approximately)
Dwellings 12,293(approximately)
Elevation 0 meters
Census Division Division No. 8
Census Subdivision Division No. 2, Subd. C
Federal Electoral District Bonavista--Burin--Trinity
Economic Region South Coast--Burin Peninsula / Côte-sud--Burin Peninsula
Covered streets
Street Postal code City Province
PO Box 99900 A0E 0A6 Marystown Newfoundland and Labrador(NL)
PO Box 99901 A0E 0A6 Marystown Newfoundland and Labrador(NL)
PO Box 99902 A0E 0A6 Marystown Newfoundland and Labrador(NL)
PO Box 99903 A0E 0A6 Marystown Newfoundland and Labrador(NL)
PO Box 99904 A0E 0A6 Marystown Newfoundland and Labrador(NL)
PO Box 99905 A0E 0A6 Marystown Newfoundland and Labrador(NL)